Thursday, May 1, 2008

Its Thursday!

Whew...I'm almost through. Its Thursday. My roommates and I love getting to this night. Our favorite shows are on and we mostly take the night off knowing that we just have one more day to get through. Stacey and I were just talking tonight how once we are at work, we actually don't mind being there. I love my students and co-workers and you just get into a groove. Its the waking up part thats the hardest part of the day. Thats why we need the weekend, to rest, even if you still have work that needs to get done...its rest from the regular routine.

So I teach a health elective to a section of 10th graders. Fortunately for me, I also teach them math. Its funny because on Mondays, we literally go from health to math the next period. They are a great group of kids. Its been so good for me to "teach" this class (since I'm the expert). its got me thinking quite a bit. Oh boy, Ruth, hear you go again, thinking. Well, this is important thinking. There are so many things I tell my students to do or suggest to them. I bring up the fact that I am older and have hind sight as a friend and also have learned from when I was there age. We discuss a lot of topics like drugs, alcohol, nutrition, dieting and sex--yes, I know, I'm supposed to be shedding my wisdom on sex. I straight up told them abstinence was the way to go but they are always allowed to disagree with me. Two major things have happened with me as I've taught these kids. One is the desire to protect and shield them. These kids, way more than I was and way more than most teens in the country, being that they are in NYC, have every kind of lie thrown at them everyday. Media is everywhere in the city. Condom and alcohol posters in the subway along with other provocative ads in their face. They know so much and yet so little. Its not hard to find drugs, alcohol, and sex in this "land of opportunity." Wealth and poverty intermingle as well as broken and disappointed homes. I don't care what the studies say: these kids don't need me to tell them more about their options, they need truth! And you know what, they are hungry for it! I'm not going to tell them they just need to practice safe sex...EVERYONE is telling them that. I'm going to tell them something different. These kids are hungry for something more and they get caught in the trap and lies of this world that tell them they need more clothes, a significant other, and to fit in. It breaks my heart to see so many people fall into these same traps. Why are we afraid to stand up for the truth?
This brings me to my second point: Will I be that example? it is so easy to say one thing and do another. I don't want to buy into the lies of this world. I want to be transformed. Guess what? That means our lives look different! Why should I try to hide myself in this world? I have the truth and have been set free...why don't I live that way? My kids don't need another "cool" teacher. I know on one hand, its not about what we do, but lets be real, people are watching us. I know my students are and they need a teacher who is loving, yet firm, steadfast, patient, confident, and practicing what she is preaching. They want to see someone with a moral backbone because deep down, they want that too. They need to be touched by Christ's love, not my "coolness." Are we willing to look different? Christ didn't say we would blend in but rather be a lamp on a hill.
May we be more of Christ for the hurting individuals He has put in our path!

1 comment:

Chip & Megan Cogan said...

holler, ruth! good stuff.

miss you.