Thursday, September 4, 2008

Be Still

You know how it is when it seems God really wants to get a message across to you? You keep hearing the same message in sermons/talks, songs you listen to, or just words playing in your head. The message for me as of late? "Be still and know that I am God." I'm learning to let go (and learning that I haven't really let go all these years in many ways) and entrust my life to Jesus. Its not fitting Him into my life its molding my life to His. I want Him to live my life through me not the other way around. Remember how God gave Abraham the promise of a son at 75! It wasn't till 25 years later that he got his son....after he tried to help God carry out His promise. God doesn't need our help. I'm still trying to figure out, however, what "Be still" means because I don't think it means that we just sit around and do nothing...I think it has to do more with the state of your heart and mind more than anything else. Haven't got it all figured out but I'm learning the importance of letting go and trusting that right now is God's best for me.