Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Not a Victim

Its so easy to play the victim; the martyr. I heard a good sermon by Mark Driscoll a while back about how in our pain, in our hurts, and disappointments, turn to Jesus, not our problem. Its so easy in my pain to bring others down with me. Woe is me! How tragic! Its not that we can't or shouldn't acknowledge our pain, but don't give in to it! I've had a pretty great life. Nothing major that marks my life. So for me, its the little stuff. I've had a rough day at work, so I feel justified in complaining and griping all evening. Woe is me! I feel lonely so I feel justified in giving others the cold shoulder without any explanation as to why they are receiving this from me. Woe is me! I could go on but the point is that the Lord is refining me to turn to Him in my pain, loneliness, etc, rather than giving in to the problem. When we do this, He is glorified, which is the chief end of man.

Practically, how do you do this? Well, I'm no expert, but prayer definitely helps; singing songs of praise, reading scripture, or doing an act of service or kindness for someone else. Don't turn inward but turn to the loving arms of Jesus. He calls us Beloved. That is our mark, our worth. The Sovereign King of Kings and Lord of Lords loves us and that is enough.