Saturday, July 26, 2008

It gets better

I was telling my dad today that each year in NYC just gets better. The Lord has truly blessed me here and I am so thankful. I just found out today that two good friends from church will be moving down the road from me, Stacey, and Tracy. A little neighborhood community is forming! You expect this sort of thing in college but in NYC as professionals? Not really. I thought back today about how lonely I was my first year in NYC. I didn't have very many friends and was often alone. My church was definitely my family and I felt well loved there but I didn't have many friends there my age who wanted to hang out outside of church, which I needed. I contemplated trying other churches and joining groups from other churches but I felt God saying, wait out, stay there and be faithful. In the last nine months, He has brought at least four individuals to NYC and to Graffiti who will be staying for awhile and are in my stage/age of life. God allows us to experience valleys in our life to teach, mold, and mature us and then brings us into a land of blessing. This season of my life I feel so blessed and thankful for all that the Lord is doing. He is growing a young adults ministry and personally filling my life with greater joy and meaning than I thought possible at times before. How great that God's vision and plans are FAR greater and better than our limited ones.

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